• What is Physiotherapy? Ans) Physiotherapy is the treatment of any disease, deformity or malfunction, by distinct therapeutic measures like exercises, heat, light, water, electrical currents etc. In short Physiotherapy is a broadened branch of modern science; novel in approach, grand in status and proven in its effectiveness which strives not only for the improved functional status of the patient but for his improved quality of life too. It aims at maximizing the functional potential of an individual following a disease/dysfunction or injury.
  • What to expect during your first consultation? Ans) We will take a full medical history, and will discuss details of your present symptoms, as well as any previous symptoms. You will have the opportunity to discuss related work, sport or recreational activities, and your needs for rehabilitation. A thorough examination will be performed in order to establish the diagnosis, and to identify any factors that may have predisposed you to developing your symptoms. Such factors may include faulty posture, muscle tightness or weakness, or poor exercise technique. We will discuss the nature of the problem with you and plan a personalized treatment programme. Treatment will usually be commenced at the first session.
  • How many treatments will I need? Ans) IThere is no pre-determined number of treatments for a specific condition. However following your initial assessment, we will discuss and agree a treatment plan with you. This may include advice regarding the approximate number of treatments you may require. Individual's response to treatment varies.
  • How long will the treatment take? Ans) From 15 to 90 minutes in duration dependant on the nature of the problem. This will be discussed on your first visit. Follow up appointments are usually 30-45 minutes.
  • Do I need a referral? Ans) No u do not need any referral u can directly make a visit to take treatment.
  • Should I bring my X-rays with me? Ans) Yes and any other relevant medical information you may have.
  • How to make an appointment? Ans) Call 9985514441, 9642734202 or visit us to fix up the appointment.
  • How soon can I get an appointment? Ans) Usually within a day dependant on your availability. If in severe pain we will endeavor to see you within 12 hrs.